You Know You’re in Trouble When The Snow is So Deep You Can’t Open the Door To Go Outside

I sure wish this winter would come to an end. We’re over 170 inches for the season and counting. Global warming my ass!!

Maybe if I feel froggy I’ll post some pics later.

Pics now. There wasn’t any snow on the patio table yesterday. As you can see from out in the street the plows have’t been around at all. Monday is trash day. But that’s in doubt too.

Not bad actually. Everybody gets a three day weekend courtesy of Mother Nature.

I already did my froggy act this morning and shoveled for an hour straight. Good cardio workout. The forecast was 8-12 inches. 12 was a couple hours ago. We’re headed for 18. I’m 62 now and thinking it’d be cool if I can do this at 70. You gotta love a challenge. 🙂

7 thoughts on “You Know You’re in Trouble When The Snow is So Deep You Can’t Open the Door To Go Outside

  1. cmaukonen

    I remember the snows we got in Ohio. Some quite bad. But I also remember the spring thaws with the rain.

    There was a very deep ditch across the road from our house. It took the run off from up the hill down then through a culvert to what was usually a small creek that ran through the side and back yard of the neighbors house. Then on down to another culvert and back into a wooded area to wind up feeding the west branch of the Cuyahoga River, which was not far – about a mile – from where we lived, through a valley.

    In the spring this run off was quite large, being feed from the snow melt and rains from up the hill. Especially after the small golf course was built. Turning the neighbors back yard into a raging torrent. Quite impressive to behold. I sometimes played in the creek but when the water and run off got that large, I would simply watch from a safe distance in aw of it all.

    The west branch of the Cuyahoga River being fed by many such run offs would also get quite large, sometimes flooding all the roads that crossed it. Except for a major US Route well to the north. Cutting people off from the Village to the east.

    Spring time in NE Ohio.

  2. Well had a lot of snow up here this year but I can now walk safely on the street. Even a few sidewalks are passable.

    But it was the bitter cold beginning on 11/11/10.

    23 above zero now.

    A real respite, let me tell you!

    1. LOL, yeah, today my boss went traveling to South Carolina (from NY) and was told to wear winter clothing, as it’s “cool” down there…cool being 60 degrees. Hahahahahaha.

    1. Key West is very attractive this time of year OT. The best I could do though is split the difference. We have all these beautiful forests, lakes, streams and a whole lot more which I would miss dearly. And to be sure, having lived in Tampa, I spent as much time at the beach as anyone. But man does not live by beach alone. Especially not in Florida. 😉

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