On Being Honest

I’ve pulled some real doozies in my lifetime, where I was afraid to go home to my Mom and say, “Mom, I screwed up.”

But, eventually, when I’ve screwed up, I’ve had to go to my Mom and say, “Mom, I screwed up.”

It was painful, but she was always there to help me get through it, and she hugged me, and she loves me to this day.

I think it’s time some politicians, both former and current, come home and say, “Mom, I screwed up.”

I have no poker face, and I really suck at lying. So it really sticks in my craw when I see a paid politician stand in front of a television camera and lie to the American people.

If I can’t even lie to my own mother, why in hell should I pay for an elected official to do so?

A Suggestion to U.S. School Boards

I’m hesitant to speak out about the Florida school shooting, especially since I haven’t read every news account, but, I’d like to make a suggestion to school boards across the US. I suggest that if a student is found to have concerning posts on social media and/or threatening encounters with other students or teachers, rather than simply expelling the student, please consider offering that student free counseling by a valid psychologist. Give that student an opportunity to work out their feelings with someone who is qualified and offers a confidential setting. It would be a small expense that could save many lives.

Nice Try, Shep

I was told two years ago that “this story was de-bunked by the New York Times.” And it was, then.

However, we’ve only just these past few weeks discovered that the FBI was following several attempts by Russian operatives to seek friendships into the Clinton campaign of 2008, and at least one spy was able to follow the Clintons to DC when Hillary became Secretary of State…


We also learned that Russians were bribing and racketeering their way into a company in the Midwest that mined and trucked uranium.

There is an FBI agent who was put under gag order by the DOJ under Obama who is now willing to speak about it his findings on all of this. CNN covered it here:


I suppose this wouldn’t be such a big deal except that the FBI, then under Mueller, covered up* the investigation and let the uranium sale go through, pretty much.

*Updated comment: Mueller, I am sure, did not simply “cover up” the investigation, but my understanding is that many members of Congress, at the time, were not aware of the investigation at all, although they were members of the bodies that make up CFIUS, which collectively approved the Uranium One deal.

But, nice try, Shep.


Living History

When I was a kid, my favorite time of the year was summer. My second favorite time of the year was fall.

In the summer and at Thanksgiving, I was lucky enough to go on road trips with my family, to visit Vermont, New Hampshire, and Virginia.

I got to see my beloved cousins and enjoy the great outdoors while camping and visiting resorts, thanks to our grandfather.

One of our trips was to Manassas Battlefield when I was pretty young. I remember there being a lot of walking, and a lot of bugs.

Whenever we all, as a family, got to one of the monuments at Manassas, I just wanted to rest. But the joy of pushing a button on an interactive display kept me going. I push the button, and someone speaks!

When I pushed the button, a tired voice would come out of the monument, a tired man tired of battles would speak to me, and tell me to turn my head and look around at the ground on which he fought. He’d tell me exactly what he saw, that day, that time, way back when. He’d tell me what hardships he went through, and how doubtful he was about his chances to survive.

Living history.

I would hate to see the day that any of us Americans turn our back on history, no matter how much we might not like it.

I would hate to see the day when we silence the voices of those who walked this earth before we did.

I would hate to stop learning and trying to seek answers, when that should be our sole purpose here on earth.

Holy Fucking Christ, Hillary

Just last night, I was reading about your book tour comments in Great Britain, the UK, whatever we call it these days.  And I thought to myself, not for the first time, someone should stifle your driveling mouth and gag you and stuff you into the closet where your server used to reside.  And I thought to myself, shouldn’t this woman just fall down the stairs into the irrelevancy that she deserves?

And you fell down the fucking stairs.

But you got back up again.


Just shut the fuck up, already, woman.

No where, ever, on earth, has there ever been a louder complainant than you, who lost an election.

Mitt Romney is a goddamn angel compared to you, in real liberal time.

You are louder than Trump, and he’s president.

Don’t you realize that every time you open your mouth you are hurting your party and your so-called cause?

No, of course you don’t.

You had to write a goddamn book, “What Happened.”

The title itself is a fucking joke.

What happened is that ever since you got fired from the Watergate hearings, you’ve been a running joke of everything that is wrong with entitlement.  Never mind everything that happened in Arkansas, never mind that your party is as corrupt as Harvey Weinstein’s casting couch, never mind that you’ve done nothing but ride the coattails of your dirty-minded husband and carpetbagged your way into every position you could attain.

If you had any decency at all, you’d leave public life and give us all a break.

But.You.Just.Can’t…..and won’t.

You ask for the shit you get in the press.  Good people could be taking your place, but you take up their oxygen, and don’t have the decency to apologize for it, nor get out of their fucking way.

Shame on you, woman.  Shame on you and your sex-crazed husband and your lunatic fringe friends.

\rant off

Dear US Government

If I could tell our federal government what to do, and what not to do, here would be my list:

Don’t allow US companies to offshore anything just because it’s cheaper.

Do make them hire American workers.  Period.

Don’t allow corporations and super-rich people the ability to send their money to the Cayman Islands, et. al., for investment purposes and to avoid taxes.

Do make them save and spend here, just like the rest of us.

Don’t control schools anymore.  You’ve all done a terrible job of it.

Do allow school choice.  It won’t kill teachers, and it will definitely help students.

Don’t let identity politics and all this crazy gender crap rule the day anymore.

Do allow Johnny to be Jane so long as zhe pays for the sex change operation and doesn’t make us create any stupid laws protecting zim/zer (zhir?  zher?  Oh, fuck, never mind.  Oy.).

Don’t mess with anyone’s religion.  Just don’t.

Don’t allow lobbyists.

Don’t give so-called “think tanks” the time of day.

Just let us be who we are, as we struggle to survive (and hopefully get enough income to pay our bills and taxes and take a vacation now and then without losing our homes).

Just let us be US, without all the crap and costs and stupid stuff that you all keep doing to us, and allowing us to do to you.




Wait, What?

There has been a very interesting progression happening, right before our eyes, in the midst of all the BS that happens every day in American politics.

No, not Trump.

For anyone truly wanting to dig through the weeds as to how and why the “Russian Collusion” story came to be and subsequently got hijacked, there are some compelling facts hidden from your normal average mainstream media outlets (gee, I wonder why?) that are coming to light.

I’m not a big fan of right-wing or left-wing media these days – which makes finding real news extremely difficult, to the say the least – but there are ways for the dreaded Daily Caller to get a story out, and it’s quite a story they have to tell.


I’m not going to write a damn thing.

I’m going to, instead, point readers to this simple daily trick that I use.  I google Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and I google Imran Awan.  I also google Hillary but I’m a glutton for punishment.

If you google (or, otherwise search) Imran Awan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, and now and then, throw in Julian Assange, things get thrown together in monthly timelines that I have no patience to piece together, but I can honestly say I’ve been watching since last year.

It’s…interesting.  To say the least.

The narrative that Russia colluded against our election last year was peddled by none other than the Clinton campaign, last year.  But who’s paying attention?

I have links to that, too, but…as I said, who’s paying attention?


Hey Now

In case anyone forgot, in the heat of the moment, our duly elected President is our duly elected President.

I’m all for world federation stuff so long as it’s Star Trek I’m watching, on TV,  but so far, we’re still a planet of nations and we’re not quite global yet.

Our nation deserves its voice, and a leader.  A duly-elected leader, which is what Donald Trump is.

You know, I read Real Clear Politics daily.  I like the site, because it gives me news feeds from  both sides, every day.  I like that balanced stuff, because I’m a Libra and I like my news fair and balanced.

I strive to keep an open mind.

I hope everyone does.

But, gosh.  I’m beginning to think there are a lot of open minds out there who might be under some bad influences, and I’m beginning to see a lot of people wanting to tell me that what I’m seeing is influenced by people who want me to see bad things, when in actuality the people I want to trust are just trying to influence me and keep me entertained and get my vote in line every four years.

I’m beginning to feel just plain influenced. And turned off.

And that’s scary.

What I keep faith in is my belief in good people.  People who have worked hard to make good things.

People who have shaped us all, and made us want to be productive.

People who have taught us things and reminded us of things that we might sometimes forget, in the heat of the moment, or in times of desperation.

People like Abraham Lincoln, and George Washington, and FDR.

We have a history.  A history of good government, of good governing.

A history of being open-minded, yes. A history of leaders who took new roads when they had to…roads that led us to new places.

That history matters and should teach us to be open to new paths…open to people, and presidents, who want to build new paths.

We have a new president who is building a new path.

Let us give him time to form it.  Let us give him time to show us how he wants to lead us there.

Please, let us try to work with him, instead of against him, in an effort to maintain what is good about us as a country.

Can we at least try to do that, together?

Sorry, I Just Have To Speak Up

I am back, and in rare form.

I would like to ask all of you to reach back into your memories and then tell me when you can last recall a former president and a former presidential candidate in the United States ever having behaved the way that Obama and Clinton, respectively, two times each running, have behaved since November of last year.

Add the mainstream media, Hollywood, and certain members of our intelligence agencies into the mix.

Tell me when we have ever seen the likes of the leaks and the pity parties and the potty mouths and the overall hot mess that the Democratic party has become.

This recent piece on Hillary Clinton is intended to keep her relevant, I suppose, yet the photos show me a woman alone, all dressed up, and nowhere to go…in her own office. And then everywhere else, in her own office suite. In the same suit. Alone. Sad!

But seriously, how long is this going to continue? She lost. Trump is POTUS. Let go already.

In my humble opinion, Clinton lost because Clinton was Clinton.  Now she wants to stay relevant, so she’s part of the “Resistance” and not going away in any humble way, shape, form, or liberal media format.

“Resistance.” As if our civil liberties are at stake. No one questions the leaks? No one worries what would happen if the parties were reversed? No one is reading circa.com?

So much is being said about Trump’s possible, alleged collusion with Russia in an attempt to defeat Clinton that no one is hearing about Obama’s possible collusion with our own intelligence agencies to gather intel on political opposition. This is not a concern to United States citizens?


So, yeah. I’m back. In rare form.

Lost on the Low Road

Throughout my early years, into my twenties and thirties, I was a conservative Republican. This was mostly due to the fact that my parents and grandparents were conservatives. In my late 30’s I started searching my soul, and found that I actually had many liberal traits and beliefs. I began leaning left, so that by the time Obama ran for his first term, I decided to support him.

Family members thought Obama was inexperienced, and somewhat full of himself. We had many conversations, my family and I, throughout Obama’s presidency. Sometimes I agreed with my family members’ points, but most times I didn’t.

What I respect about my family is that they still respected the fact that Obama was our president. As much as they complained to me about some of their biggest issues against him, they also begrudgingly agreed with me on some of my points for him.

While I happily supported Obama’s presidency and voted for his second term, most of my family supported their GOP senators and reps, and voted Romney in 2012. My family also voted midterms in an effort to gain House and Senate seats. Me, on the other hand…I sat the midterms out. Smug as a bug in a rug.

My family never protested when Obama won two elections, and they gracefully acknowledged his presidency, all the while never caring for him. They never spoke ill of him in my presence, but kept the discussions to policy and issues. When they felt he did something well, they said so. We kept our conversations civil even when they felt he did something wrong.

I dreaded holiday gatherings for nothing.

In his second term, I defended Obama as much as I could, but now and then I’d find myself agreeing with my family more and more, due to the lack of a solid argument.

Several things that occurred during Obama’s second term turned me off. But rather than fall back on my conservative leanings, I found myself agreeing with the populist movements that were cropping up, like Occupy Wall Street.

By the time 2016 came along, I was ready to go with Bernie Sanders. I donated to his campaign, I supported him very vocally, and looked forward to the day when he and Trump would go to the debates. I felt their shared populist message would make things very interesting. I rather hoped that democratic socialism might catch on, once voters realized that Trump and Sanders were actually saying some of the same things, only from different “sides” of the political spectrum.

But then Clinton won the Democratic nomination and, for reasons I won’t go into here (as, anyone who knows me knows how much I dislike the Clintons), I decided to look into the remaining alternatives. I did not care for Stein, nor Johnson.

I ended up voting for Trump, needless to say.

So did my immediate family. So did almost my entire county. So did almost my entire country.

Like most of the world, I went into election night thinking Clinton would win. I can tell you the exact moment I knew Trump had pulled off a miracle, and it was long before PA votes were tallied.  But, that’s another blog post.

I have not regretted my decision to vote for Trump once.

What I regret is that I’ve lost so many friends.

Granted, I had already lost a huge number of left-leaning friends over the primaries, where I backed Sanders and they backed Clinton. But to lose even more friendships over Trump’s win, I just didn’t expect that.

Color me racist, xenophobic, backwards…or just blind.

I never expected the violent protests, the boycotting of Ivanka Trump’s clothing line, the vitriol, the nonsensical hatred and fear. The obstructionism in congress is hard enough to take without seeing the entire left wing turn so awkwardly left so quickly that even Berkley went berserk.

Streep. Super Bowl ads. SNL. CNN. Washington Post and the New York Times. Not everyone agrees with you folks, outside of LA and New York City.

What about the rest of us? “Within the 50 states, of which you lost 30, there are 3,113 counties — 2,626 that went Republican and 487 that were won by [Clinton].”*

I never expected the Democratic party to become the “Party of No.” Liberals always say they want to put people first. But all I see is them putting party – and careers – first. Take this piece in New York Times.

“All of that’s true. But none of it gets at larger challenges that were much less frequently mentioned, if at all: the necessity of grooming and rallying behind candidates who can forge an emotional connection with voters and are in sync with the moment; the imperative of studying the map, identifying every Senate and House seat that could possibly swing to Democrats in 2018 and playing a ruthlessly pragmatic game of chess; the articulation of a down-to-earth, visceral message that resonates with as many voters as possible. “I’m with her” didn’t cut it.

Another of the D.N.C. candidates, Raymond Buckley, the chairman of the Democratic Party in New Hampshire, acknowledged to me, “Sometimes we try to impress ourselves too much by talking about issues that are overly complex when the populace really wants you to boil it down to a much more simplistic message.””

The simplistic message was already given to America: “Make America Great Again.”

Instead of trying to see where they went wrong, Democrats are more concerned with their message and how to make it appeal to the entire country. Even while trying to appeal to the entire country, they worry about having to dumb down their message (as if they are the party of Smart?). And then while trying to appeal to the entire country, they encourage protests and obstruction.

Sorry, but Democrats are now the party of NO.

NO from the party that claims to want to save everything…the planet, the bees, the polar bears, the refugees, the poor, the hungry.

NO from the party that tells the rest of America that America is backwards, in condescending tones.

NO from the party that claims to be open-minded and more enlightened.

What happened to the ‘high road?’

What happened to common decency and respect?

If the strategy of the Democrats is to pick themselves up, dust themselves off, and win again, the high road will be hard for them to find if they keep losing themselves in obstructionism, anger and vitriol.

They’ve already lost the rest of America. I don’t think they can afford to lose much more.

Note:  In the New York Times article I reference here, I found these comments that really spoke to me. I quoted from one of them above.  These particular ones, below…I hope Democrats will read them…with their open, enlightened minds…:


Democrats are pretty much finished. The Republicans have been cleaning up on local elections the last five years and have a huge bench to pull from for state and national seats. Democrats have been debating the wording for gender neutral farm to table menus in soup kitchens. They have pulled so far left the party centrists have become outcasts and marginalized. Boutique social issues are the flavor of the day and one either agrees or runs the risk of being called a racist, xenophobe, homophobe or anti-semite. All the poetry slams and drum circles in the world can’t help them now. Good Riddance to a failed party- they flew too close to the sun and got burned.


Let’s don’t lose sight of the fact, democrats ran a candidate that was under an FBI investigation. In a word, duh.
I really do not know what the democrats stand for. Let’s not forget the majority of America is rural. What do democrats have to offer rural Kansas, Montana, Wyoming, the eastern plains and western slope of Colorado? The democrats seem a little mushy on the things they supposedly stand for.
How about,
Free education for life. technology changes quickly. Education is just as important to an 18-year-old as a 50-year-old displaced worker.
When the ACA became law, democrats distanced themselves from Obama and the ACA. Now we see that it is pretty popular.
Democrats rarely talk about the debt. It is important.
Clinton tanked Glass-Steagall and brought us NAFTA. Education and retraining were promised and never delivered.
Regarding health care, why is there no transparency in pricing? It seems the democrats have sold out to healthcare campaign contributions as there is little meaningful reform.
Supporting illegal immigration is kind of a non-starter. It might feel good for politicians but not so good for a blue collar worker that realizes his wages are stagnant or his job is gone because of cheap labor.
I think of myself as a social liberal and fiscal conservative. Democrats would be wise to adopt that posture and really work for blue collar workers in rural Kansas and taxi drivers in New York City.

Michael S

There is a fundamental disconnect between the urban elites who now form the bulk of the Democratic Party and the working people who used to form the base of the Democratic Party. Until those elites get off their Trump hysteria, recognize what their party has become as the party of the Clintons and understand how Hillary created a Trump win there is no hope for their party unless Trump stumbles badly and loses the support of his base.