The Incredible Shrinking Politician

Sarah Palin wants you to know she can’t be made to shut up or sit down.

A defiant Palin, appearing Monday night on “The Sean Hannity Show” on Fox News, theorized that Tucson gunman Jared Loughner might be a “left-leaning criminal” and said lies must not be allowed to live.

The “liars” in this case, according to Palin, are the journalists and bloggers who in the wake of Loughner’s assassination attempt on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, raised questions about Palin’s fetish for explicitly violent words and imagery, which Giffords herself had warned could lead to violence. Palin told Hannity: “But for now, you know, I want to join others who are saying, no, peaceful dissent and discussion about ideas, that is what makes America exceptional, and we won’t allow that to be stifled by tragic events that happened in Arizona.”

Palin condemned violence a total of three times during her appearance—not quite half the eight times she and Hannity condemned liberals during the interview.

Prompted to comment by her fellow Fox News commentator, Palin downplayed the “heartburn” caused by a map that was quickly removed from her web site after the massacre. The map used gun crosshairs as a symbol to mark 20 Democratic House seats, including Giffords’, as “targets” for Republican gains in the 2010 elections.

“You know, I believe that someone in the PAC, in fact, the contract graphic artist, did take it down. And I don’t think that that was inappropriate. If it was going to cause much heartburn and even more controversy, I didn’t have a problem with it being taken down,” said the Tea Party firebrand and former half-term governor of the nation’s least-populous state.

She went on to equate her original map with copies later circulated by Democrats to illustrate their concerns with it. And then she suggested the gunman might be a liberal.

“But screenshots, of course, have been taken of that. And I don’t know if the Democrats have taken down theirs in these ensuing days, but, again, knowing that that had absolutely nothing to do with an apolitical or perhaps even left-leaning criminal who killed these innocents and injured so many, I didn’t have a problem with it being taken down if, in fact, it actually has been taken down.”

Memo to Sarah Palin:

When you don’t have the courage to face any interviewer other than another Right-wing co-worker at Fox News…

When your remarks are so slickly prepared that you know who took down your map but later pretend you don’t know if it was taken down…

When your negatives are soaring and your positives are plummeting…

When you refuse to walk the walk of omitting densely coded hatred from your talking points…

When humility—especially in the wake of such bloodshed—is just another word for surrender in your vernacular…

Then there’s no point in anyone asking you to shut up and sit down. Even a high chair seems too big for you now.

*Cross-posted at Tripper John’s Big Tent

14 thoughts on “The Incredible Shrinking Politician

  1. MSNY

    PS: Trip, it looks like today Sarah will get her way and we’ll all be talking about HER instead of anything else. As fortune would have it, I also have an entry about her that I plan on posting a little later…

  2. She was pitiful, but I think even the repub leaders could see her appearance as pitiful.

    I think her career is over as a politician.

    She will make tons of money from fascist organizations and within a few years, MSM just will not cover her any longer.

    1. What if we all just quit reacting to her? I mean ALL of us who aren’t sycophants of hers. Would the MSM eventually realize she doesn’t have the Q rating (star power) to take seriously anymore?

      1. My thinking is, Tripper J, that the MSM is going to drop her within the next year, after this latest fiasco.

        Of course, she can still find friends at Facebook.

        1. MSNY

          No way.

          This latest fiasco may have seriously damaged her electoral viability outside of Wingnutistan, but as far as the ‘msm’ are concerned (both left and right), she’s still a money maker.

          I hope she’s around for a while longer to continue to damage the GOP.

          If anyone is going to drop her, it will be the presumptive GOP presidential nominees who will (continue) to take pot shots at her every stupid utterance.

  3. “Palin condemned violence a total of three times during her appearance—not quite half the eight times she and Hannity condemned liberals during the interview.”


    Palin has *really* hurt her brand. Hannity, who is a blithering idiot, supports her, sure. He is paid to do things like that — he’s got no brains but at least he can suck up for his paycheck. Todd probably supports Blood Libel Barbie as well. Who else, does she have living parents?

    As recently as December 1, I was with old friends presenting to them the argument that she could be the candidate and she could be a threat. I wouldn’t say those things today.

    Nice post, Madam!

  4. “Palin condemned violence a total of three times during her appearance—not quite half the eight times she and Hannity condemned liberals during the interview.”


    Palin has *really* hurt her brand. Hannity, who is a blithering idiot, supports her, sure. He is paid to do things like that — he’s got no brains but at least he can suck up for his paycheck. Todd probably supports Blood Libel Barbie as well. Who else, does she have living parents?

    As recently as December 1, I was with old friends presenting to them the argument that she could be the candidate and she could be a threat. I wouldn’t say those things today.

    Oh! This is Tripper?! Nice post, Sir then!

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