Ummm…WTF is going on??

Ummm…WTF is going on??

I’ve been away on vacation for a little bit and you guys have probably already noticed and commented on this, but WTF?!?!?

First, I saw a story about thousands of birds just dropping out of the sky in Arkansas and I thought, ‘oh, that’s weird.’  But I since I was on vacation, I didn’t give too much thought to it after that.

Then, I read about 100,000 fish going belly up, also in Arkansas and I thought, ‘wow, that’s a bit of a coincidence, isn’t it?’  But after seeing the report I didn’t hear very about it again and it slipped my mind.

Not long after, I ran across an article about several hundred dead birds falling from the sky in Louisiana. When I read on, I noticed that the birds were of the same species as the birds that dropped dead a few hundred miles north and I was like. ‘whoa, it can’t just be chance. Something is up.’

Yesterday I saw this article about 100 tons of dead fish washing up on the shore of a Brasilian town and I gasped.  100 tons?  That’s a lot of fish.  The article said many of the fish were sardines. 100 tons of sardines?  That’s a shitload of sardines.  Sardines are small – a quick google search reveals that the average sardine is about 6 ounces.  That means that there were literally hundreds of thousand dead fish.

And I just read a story about 2 MILLION dead fish washing up yesterday in Maryland.  2 MILLION!  Something stinks here, and it’s not just the rotting fish!

While poking around I discovered that in the past few days there have been reports about thousands of crabs washing up dead in England, several thousand fish washing up dead in Florida, hundreds in New Zealand, and dozens of dead birds turning up in Sweden.

Anyway, I found this chart online detailing the mysterious animal deaths.

What’s going on?

19 thoughts on “Ummm…WTF is going on??

  1. Holy crap! I knew about the first two stories you mention, but didn’t take the time to keep digging as you have. This is frightening.

    What tests have been done over the past week, and where? What’s leaking? WTF?

    BTW, excellent research skills, MSNY. I appreciate it!!

    1. MSNY

      Lis, I tried to get off of the grid for a few days over the holidays, but when I got back I saw all this. Its shocking isn’t it? I don’t buy the line that these things are natural. It’s too coincidental that these things are all happening at the same time across the globe under vastly differing environmental conditions.

      And I’ve been doing a little digging. The conspiracy theorists around the blogosphere keep mentioning something called HAARP – some kind of military experimental system that uses High Frequency transmissions on the Ionosphere. I don’t know much about it, but I’m gonna find out….

  2. Mother is sending us a message. A rather loud one. But like most kids we aren’t listening worth a damn. The world population is under some serious stress and so is the planet. We’re not going to get out of this cheap or by cutting corners. If at all. Trying to explain this to a politician is a waste of time. They have no clue. And if it costs money fugetaboutit.

    We pay the wages of a lot of scientists and the like to watch all this stuff and I’m sure they know. But our politicians won’t listen to them. Their priority is paying off the corps.

  3. cmaukonen

    Some clown will no doubt come up with some rationalization and the right will yell Junk Science like anyone on the right knows anything about science.

    1. MSNY

      I smell a wingnut meme coming; NO FISH OR LOAVES FOR YOU!

      God is furious with Obama, and is punishing humanity for Obama’s sin of living.

    1. MSNY

      Well, in the little investigation I have done on this H.A.A.R.P program (you should all check it out) it would seem that there are more than a few defense contractors involved. I can’t imagine that GE (NBC) as one of the nation’s biggest defense contractor isn’t involved in a project like this.

      I want to refrain from going full-blown conspiracy about this, but there are more than a few sites that are connecting the animal deaths as well as the recent flooding in Australia and summer Snow in Brasil.

      1. I remember the GE commercial that ran for years, We bring good things to life. That was during the Vietnam era when they were the premier defense contractor and made all kinds of weapons.

        I saw the other day where we still have 4000 tons of VX gas stockpiled. Enough to kill every person and animal on the planet a 100 times over.

  4. ~flowerchild~

    This is pure speculation on my part, but…

    Does anyone remember that little BP oil spill last year?

    Do you recall how confounded the scientists were that there was some critter kill-off, but no where near what was expected or estimated?

    Why, all those critters must have smartened up and took off for cleaner water! What a lucky break!

    Or maybe it took this long for the poison to work through their system. A critter doesn’t starve to death overnight…it takes a while. And a critter doesn’t easily change a nesting or spawning ground to accommodate a mess left behind by humans.

    MSNY…thanks for the map! And the initial research! Looking at that map, knowing where the BP spill is located, and then imagining it spreading out in concentric circles….kinda makes one think evil thoughts about BP all over again, doesn’t it?

    One would have to study ocean currents to get a better grip on this theory, as well as bird and fish migratory paths, but if I was a bettin’ woman, and I ain’t, I’d lay some coin down on this being a result of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill of 2010.

  5. I caught a couple articles on the birds in Arkansas and reported it at Dagblog.

    Then I read about the fish.

    Then I read about other states in the area experiencing similar plagues.

    And now you have put together a scenerio where there is a plague on the entire planet.


    You got me looking for further developments, that is for sure.

    Thanks for this as well as the links.

    Fish and fowl, strange indeed!

  6. Say I like this post a lot.

    Would you consider posting this at Dag?

    Then you could link our Paradigm.

    I am so intrigued by this plague. I referred to your post at Q’s link. Q was writing about the bee plague.

    I don’t know. A little transactional swapping aint that bad!

    1. MSNY

      Yeah, I read that too. And I can accept the explanation that since we’re so plugged in to instant information, we sometimes see things that are not there. Damn Mother Nature!

      …..but all this could just be what they WANT us to believe…I’m not getting rid of my tin foil hat just yet. 🙂

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