12 thoughts on “Peace

      1. ~flowerchild~

        I made it. Sorta. Many years ago.

        The royalty-free line drawing is from somewhere off the ‘net. I no longer have the empty original in my files…it must have been lost during a computer move or something and I can’t remember where I got it in the first place.

        I did the fill in coloring using online images of stained glass samples. There is a way to work the samples to make them tile seamlessly together so there are no abrupt edges in the fill. This would be second nature to Bwak so I would suggest asking her how this is done if you are interested in playing with the technique. I’ve gotten away from graphics in the last couple years and have forgotten lots of stuff.

        Anyhoo, since it is a royalty-free drawing and I have no right or intention to claim copyright for coloring, feel free to send it all over the place. I’m happy you like it. 🙂

        1. I would love to have a real glass version of it, for a window. You did a fantastic job with it. If you have any others saved, please feel free to email them to me so I can view them. I won’t share if they are copy-righted, I’d just love to see more of your work. You’ve got quite the talent for it.

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